To increase access to financial services (credit/savings) to women and youth to support livelihoods and build assets to offset shocks to youth led groups.
Specific Objectives:
- Women and youth could have better access to basic financial service to support their livelihood and build assets to offset shocks.
- Fostering women and youth entrepreneurship and enhancing the productivity of women and youth owned enterprise.
- Women and youth empowerment in decision making, taking leadership role, and influencing.

The project will provide comprehensive services, specifically this includes 1) Strengthening existing youth led group groups, 2) Forming new youth led groups. 3) Increasing access to financial services through financial education and linkage with microfinance institutions, 4) Provision of vocational training, entrepreneurship training, financial education, and job placement for decent work to youth who migrated from rural provinces, 5) Provision of training on C-BED to youth led group members, 6) Provision of vocational training to youth and input support for non-agricultural livelihoods and diversification of income sources, 7) Provision agri-business training on (chicken and vegetable) to potential youth led group members, 8) Provision agri-business training on (chicken and vegetable) to 100 potential youth led group members, 9) Conducting successful young entrepreneurs event and link up to national platform, 10) Provision of training on leadership and public speaking to youth of youth led group members, 11) Conducting awareness raising on reproductive health among youth led group members, 12) Establishing mobile library to disseminate saving for change concept, implication of migration, C-BED and financial education at secondary school and community, 13) organizations including local organizations are involved in dialogues about women’s and youth’s challenges and present them in at least two formal political spaces; and, 14) Establishing Migrant Worker Resource Centre, one in each target province through the collaboration with ILO and relevant government department, especially provincial department of labor and vocational training, 15) Working with provincial department of labor to enhance their capacity for labor-oriented skills to youth, and 16) Working with provincial departments to inform policy for youth and migration and Commission research on daily youth migration across borders.
The program will focus on
- The Advance Democracy Seminar (ADS) Training comprises of good governance, democracy leadership, and team building. Participants who are youth network members will receive ADS training and be able to put this knowledge into practice. The assignment in the ADS training will encourage young people to work in teams in funding raising activities and submitting petitions to Commune Councillors. These are examples of community development ideas that young people can use to generate possible future projects and initiatives.
- Recently, youth clubs have been formed. They work in groups to benefit their community. Various trainings will be given by Provincial Representatives to youth club members through their monthly meetings. The knowledge received from the trainings will strengthen their capacity to engage and mobilize citizens in community development activities. Also, youth networks will work on the real needs of the community through group discussion to identify the issues in their community. Additionally, through this facilitation of the community development projects, youth will be able to exchange their knowledge and experience with one another, providing sustainable youth participation in community development activities. Moreover, through this activity, youth will be able to contribute to the development of their community more effectively as a group rather than as an individual.
- The grassroots advocacy competition will develop capacity of YCC’s youth network members and community youth through different training sessions. Moreover, the competition designed in this activity will allow youth to translate their knowledge into real practices. This competition will also provide them with space for personal development, taking their own challenges and improving their leadership capacity.
- The Annual Youth Conference is a significant activity that provides motivation to youth network members in different provinces as well as a venue for capacity development. Through different programs designed within this project, youth are provided an opportunity for sharing experiences and can learn from one another about their work and development processes in their respective provinces. Additionally, they can learn from experts in the field through training and distinguished guest speakers. The experience and knowledge gained during this conference will be able to be taken back to their respective provincial areas and further develop their capacity.
- Holding a Youth Representative Election is the most effective way to reach the objective 3. This activity will consist of mainstreaming the National Youth Policy at the grassroots level, meeting with Local Authorities and electing a Commune Youth Representative in communes. YCC will cooperate with Commune Councillors to conduct this activity. Once a Youth Representative has been elected, the youth voice will be strengthened at the local level as the elected representative would be involved in development work and meetings within the commune. Additionally, a Commune Youth Representative would serve as a link between young people, citizens, and Local Authority. This provides the opportunity for citizens and young people to voice their concerns to their Commune Youth Representative and they will bring these issues to the Local authority for discussion.
YCC will become a strong, independent, and responsible democratic youth network of Cambodia for a greater participation in democratic process to address issues and concerns of Cambodia’s youth.
Specific Objectives:
- To build youth capacity to be agents of positive change in the society through civic participation addressing the policy, social and economic concerns.
- Empower women and youth to strengthen the allocation and use of budgets and the delivery of local public services through improved access and use of information and citizen-led monitoring of budgets and the performance of Sub-National Administrations (SNAs).
- Youth capacity is built to be an agent of positive change in the community through civic engagement that affects their lives.

To promote viable pluralism in Cambodia by equipping young party leaders with skill necessary to compete peacefully and democratically, while fostering productive interparty and intraparty interactions.
Specific Objectives:
- Improving multi-parties youth’s own skills in leadership, campaigning, messaging, strategic planning, and policy development to foster a more competitive political landscape for Cambodia’s democracy.
- Increasing engagement of interparty and intraparty interactions between party youth members of Cambodia’s political parties in consensus and trust building dialogues.
- To undertake research into policies and practices relating to democracy, human rights and other issues affecting Cambodian Youth, and share information with youth clubs.
For each relevant specific objectives to be delivered, main components of this project’s activities would include capacity building for party youth leaders, developing and conducting a joint party action plan and project, and facilitating dialogues and promotions via social media. Therefore, the project will monitor youth leaders to demonstrate improvement to their capacity. To measure increased capacity, YCC will collect attendance sheets from each of the multiparty training courses to demonstrate the total number of party youth leaders exposed to training on Multiparty Young Future Leadership Training Program. YCC will also collect the action plans created by interparty youth leaders to future gauge the impact of the program.


To increase the fulfilment of social and economic rights of vulnerable youth with a particular attention to young women from Cham’s ethnic minority and indigenous young people through access to inclusive quality education, vocational training, and fair and more decent work.
Specific Objectives:
- Youth and women have improved access to quality education and technology training which incorporates resilient local life skill.
- Youth, especially girls from Cham communities, better access inclusive education in a way that improves their employability skills.
- Youth Civil Society Organizations are empowered to find community-based solutions to vulnerable youth social and economic exclusion, to promote vocational training, career orientation and employability.
- Youth are empowered to promote their right to social and economic inclusion, raising girls voices.
To advance reconciliation following atrocities committed by the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia by supporting ongoing transitional justice and reconciliation needs.
Specific Objectives:
- To strengthen the capacity of youth-led groups to assist families of Khmer Rouge victims in developing resilience and healing from trauma.
- To increase awareness of the atrocities by the Khmer Rouge, the reasons and root cause of their rise to power, and ensuring future atrocities are prevented.
- To enhance restoration of relationships across generations, between citizens and government, and between local communities that experienced direct and indirect violence.


To build proactive partnerships between youth, civil society, and local authorities to act on climate change impacts, environmental protection, and disaster risk reduction DRR.
Specific Objectives:
- Digital environmental education programmes for youth): Gender sensitive digital environmental education programmes (EEP) for youth are created and adjusted to the needs of ASEAN Member States; digital environmental education program for youth):
- Youth-led initiatives and actions): Participatory spaces and resources are available for ASEAN youth to act on climate change, environmental protection and DRR locally and to cooperate with CSOs and local authorities in green and inclusive sustainable development and reducing climate-related and disaster risks;
- Youth mobilization and advocacy): 400 ASEAN youth (50% girls/women, 5% LGBTQ+) are mobilized to carry out evidenced-based local, national, and global advocacy through the ASEAN Green Generation Network (AGGN).