YCC is a youth-led non-governmental organization that organizes its youth networks at both the national and sub-national levels to inspire youth to become more involved in addressing local issues of democracy, business, education, procurement, public resource governance, climate change, and human rights. YCC has over 20 years of expertise combating poverty, with a particular emphasis on empowering women and young people to make long-lasting improvements in their communities.

- Cooperation: YCC works together with all stakeholders and participants respectfully to achieve the one common goal that we share.
- Equal Opportunity and Rights: All YCC staff, beneficiaries and stakeholders are given the same opportunities and have the same rights regardless of gender, status, race, religion, or skin color.
- Independence: YCC is a self-governing institution which shapes its own policies, objectives, and programs.
- Transparency: YCC will operate an open anti-corruption policy in all its processes and has zero tolerance for such practices.
- Positive change: YCC will continually work towards bettering the lives of vulnerable Cambodian youth.
- Participation: YCC encourages youths to become active members in all aspects of Cambodian society.
- Justice: All YCC’s program participants will be treated fairly and YCC will be committed to ensuring that Cambodian society becomes more open and equal for all citizens.
- Neutral: YCC has never, and will never, be affiliated with one particular political party nor be influenced to stray from its mission, vision, objectives and goals.
- Responsibility: YCC is responsible for using all donated money appropriately and in accordance with the wishes of the donor. YCC has a duty of care for the vulnerable youth whilst they are participating in our programs as outlined in our child protection policy

Youth Council of Cambodia (YCC) is a legally registered non-governmental organization with the Ministry of Interior (MOI) of Cambodia in 2002. YCC’s mission is to foster greater participation among Cambodian youth and strengthen their capacity to be an informed and influential voice in the development of Cambodian society.
To achieve the mission:
- YCC provides quality services through programs such as: 1) Youth Entrepreneurship Network (YEN); 2) Youth Empowerment for Democratic Governance Reform (YED); 3) Future Youth Leadership; 4) Youth Action in Education Strengthening (YAS); 5) Youth Peacebuilding and International Cooperation (YPBI); and 6) Youth for Environmental Strengthening (YES). These programs are funded by donors, including Care International, ActionAid International, and Transparency International.
- YCC works with women and youth (ages 15 to 35) in both urban and rural communities who are denied certain rights or marginalized across Cambodia.
- YCC has a legal structure in place to assist with project implementation, which includes operation manual, code of conduct, administration and financial manual, strategic plan.
- YCC is run by five seasoned and governed boards that meet quarterly to approve the organization’s budget, policies, and strategies. To respect those policies and strategy, YCC has a management team, including executive director, program director and administrative and finance director lead and implement plans, programs, and policies.
- YCC has a strong financial management system including financial policy, procedure, staff policy and a financial committee for the internal financial monitoring and controlling.
- YCC has a strong monitoring and evaluation system including data collection, entry, cleaning, analysis, and reporting. Each project or program has its own monitoring and evaluation plan which helps our project/program team to track and assess the results of the interventions throughout the life of a project/program.
- YCC has more than 20 years of experiences to building partnership and collaboration with government, UN entities, international NGOs, local NGOs, youth networks, and involved stakeholders to address the issue faced by youth and community in Cambodia through press release, training/workshop, and conference/events