- YCC works in urban and remote areas with youth and women
(aged 15-35) who are marginalized by occupation or denied multiple rights. - YCC work in urban and remote areas with youth who are from an indigenous, high school and university.
- YCC is currently working in 13 provinces plus Phnom Penh municipality. YCC head office is in Phnom Penh.

YCC’s vision is to see a society with active participation of youth in strengthening democracy, economic development, good governance, social accountability, human rights, natural resource management, health, gender, and Cambodia’s development with honesty, peace, and sustainability.
YCC’s mission is to foster greater participation among Cambodian youth and strengthen their capacity to be an informed and influential voice in the development of Cambodian society.

To coordinate the mechanisms for youth participation in improving the sectors of socio-economic right, democracy and governance reform, natural resource management, quality of education, entrepreneurship and business development, leadership and policy development, and international peaceful relationship and cooperation.
Strategic Direction
- Strategic Objective 1: Disaster Risk Reduction, climate Change mitigation, and national resource management.
- Strategic Objective 2: Entrepreneurship, socio-economic right, and community-based business development.
- Strategic Objective 3: Quality of Education, technology, and skill development.
- Strategic Objective 4: Civic Engagement, public service delivery, human right, and inclusive political environment.
- Strategic Objective 5: Peaceful building, international relationship, and future leadership.

Senior Management Team
Mr. Im Sothy
Executive Director
Sothy was selected as 7th Executive Director of the Youth Council of Cambodia by its Board of Executive Director on 28 July 2015. He is a Cambodian with more than 15 years of experiences in democratic and governance reform, social/business development, and civic engagement sectors in both local and international level in Cambodia. He has additional experience working as a consultant for organizations such as Oxfam America, World Vision International, International Republican Institute, and Handicap International. He also has expertise in facilitating research and development. Mr. Sothy earned his bachelor’s degree from Business Administration from National Management University and his Master Degree of Public Management from the School of Government in the ATENEO de Manila University in the Philippines.
Tel: (+855) 077 72 32 67

Mr. Phiek Sina
Program Director
He has over 10 years’ experiences working in Cambodia for child and youth development, social accountability, civic engagement in good governance, and research development. He started with YCC to successfully implement and manage the I-SAF project (Implementation of Social Accountability Framework) in 2016. Sina holds master’s degree in Social Services and Development from Asian Social Institute (ASI), the Philippines under a MISEREOR Scholarship. He did his bachelor’s degree in psychology from Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP). He was a participant of the KOICA Fellowship Program on Global Training Session for Peace-building and International Cooperation Educator. He was also a alumnus Of Community Solutions Program (CSP). The Community Solutions Program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State with funding provided by the U.S. Government and supported in its implementation by IREX. As a U.S. Department of State fellow with the Community Solutions Program, he completed the IREX-administered Community Leadership Institute and received ten Continuing Education Units from the George Mason University (GMU). GMU is a higher education institution located in the United States which certified the rigor of the Community Leadership Institute of which he completed 100 hours of leadership development coursework.
Tel: (+855) 012 900875
Ms. Rufa Fernando
Finance and Admin Director
Rufa has more than 10 years of successful experience in administration and financial management. She specializes in grant financial management, which is funded by USAID through FHI360 and EWMI. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Accountancy at ICCT College Foundation, Inc., Cainta, Rizal, in the Philippines.
Tel: (+855) 015 759649

Board Directors

Mr. Reaksmey Hong
Mrs. Chum Paothida
Mr. Nhem Sareth

Mrs. Sou Socheata
Mrs. Laitheam Eang